Jun 17, 2020

HowTo: Find Out DNS Server IP Address Used By My Router? Aug 31, 2013 How to find your (Ip adress + dns server) - YouTube Mar 03, 2011 Troubleshooting DNS Servers | Microsoft Docs Check whether the DNS server is authoritative for the name that is being looked up. If so, see Checking for problems with authoritative data. Run the following command: nslookup For example: nslookup app1 If you get a failure or time-out response, see Checking for recursion problems.

Speed Up Your Internet Connection by Changing Your Domain

Mar 21, 2009

Dec 25, 2018 · We have created a list of the top 5 Best DNS Servers based on the results of our 2 polls: 5. OpenNIC. OpenNIC is a free DNS server that routes your traffic away from DNS servers provided by your ISP. One unique feature of OpenNIC is that, depending on your location, you are offered different servers.

Jul 09, 2020