Stasi | East German government | Britannica

Aug 06, 2014 COVID-19 Surveillance Must Not Be Used as an Excuse to Mar 20, 2020 The Surveillance State 03 East Germany’s Stasi State - YouTube

It diminishes the horror of the Stasi’s targeted oppression while downplaying the threat posed to our democracy by the NSA’s secretive surveillance. The NSA’s tactics and techniques may not

Feb 18, 2017 Stasi Essay Sample - New York Essays They focused on espionage and political security. In its 39 years at least 1/3 of the East German population came under Stasi surveillance, arrest, detention, or torture. The East German government, with the assistance of the Soviet intelligence community, established the Stasi on February 8, 1950 to maintain communist rule in East Germany. Ankle Trackers, Tickets, Beatings: Welcome to the COVID-19

Nov 17, 2017

Stasi - Crypto Museum The Stasi was particularly interested in people who objected Communism and people with a public opinion, such as journalists and artists. Over the years, many of them were subjected to surveillance for several weeks, months or even years. NSA and the Stasi – a cautionary tale on mass surveillance While the Stasi archive is overwhelming, today’s spies can gather far more information with a fraction of the effort. Mike Bloomberg Ran Stasi-Style Police and Surveillance