Virtual private network - Wikipedia

As network traffic passes through the firewall, the firewall decides which traffic to forward and which traffic not to forward, based on rules that you have defined. All firewalls screen traffic that comes into your network, but a good firewall should also screen outgoing traffic. What a firewall does Normally a firewall is installed where […] If I use a VPN, who will resolve my DNS requests VPN's are (typically) like an additional IP stack on your system, and can have a separate DNS server address configured. But not all systems do this. If your VPN does not assign a new DNS for the VPN session then you will continue to use the DNS server(s) configured in your main Internet IP Stack. What is a VPN? | Virtual Private Networks Explained | Norton

What is VPN Obfuscation and How to Use It? | PrivacyAffairs

A VPN encrypts the traffic from your machine to the exit point of the VPN network. So what it protects you from is someone trying to look at your network traffic if they sit between you and your VPN provider (for example a correctly set-up VPN should prevent someone on the same wireless network as you from reading your traffic)

What Is A VPN? Virtual Private Network Explained | NordVPN

Jul 24, 2020 Does a VPN Make My Internet Faster - Fastest VPN Guide For instance, they may look for connections to specific servers online, or traffic that uses common ports they would like to restrict. When a VPN is in use, however, all traffic is encrypted and appears to be destined for the VPN server, instead of its actual final destination. VPN & Privacy: What Nobody Told You Feb 21, 2019